Saturday, August 30, 2014


Docker is an exciting new open source technology that promises to "help developers build and ship higher quality apps faster" and sysadmins "to deploy and run any app on any infrastructure, quickly and reliably" (source:
But to truly leverage the power of Docker, you need an orchestration tool that can help you provision, deploy and manage your servers with Docker running on them - and help you build Docker-files themselves, in the simplest way possible.


Installing & Building Docker with Ansible - Michael DeHaan, CTO & Founder of Ansible
“To me the interesting part is how to use Ansible to build docker-files, in the simplest way possible. One of the things we've always preferred is to have portable descriptions of automation, and to also get to something more efficient to develop than bash.”
“By using an ansible-playbook within a Docker File we can write our complex automation in Ansible, rather than a hodgepodge of docker commands and shell scripts.”
“One of the more logical things to do is to use Docker to distribute your containers, which can be done with the docker module in Ansible core.”
Read the full article here.

Docker Misconceptions - Matt Jaynes, Founder of DevOpsU
" absolutely need an orchestration tool in order to provision, deploy, and manage your servers with Docker running on them.
This is where a tool like Ansible really shines. Ansible is primarily an orchestration tool that also happens to be able to do configuration management. That means you can use Ansible for all the necessary steps to provision your host servers, deploy and manage Docker containers, and manage the networking, etc."
"So, if you decide you want to use Docker in production, the prerequisite is to learn a tool like Ansible. There are many other orchestration tools (some even specifically for Docker), but none of them come close to Ansible's simplicity, low learning curve, and power."
Read the full article here.

The Why & How of Ansible & Docker - Gerhard Lazu, a contributor to The Changelog
"Ansible made me re-discover the joy of managing infrastructures. Docker gives me confidence and stability when dealing with the most important step of application development, the delivery phase. In combination, they are unmatched."
Read the full article here.

VIDEO: Ansible + Docker Demonstration - Patrick Galbraith, HP Advanced Technologies

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